Learn before you take the leap

Learn before you take the leap

Meet Cashew - fully guided research software to get you thinking less like a marketer, and more like your customer.


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Everything you need to stop guessing and start doing

Not sure where to start? Don't worry.

Not sure where to start? Don't worry.

AI trained by experts. Share your goals and have Cashew recommend the best approach.

Custom experience. Our platform is trained and supervised by expert researchers with decades of experience.

From research plan to launch in minutes

From research plan to launch in minutes

Customized to you. Receive a specialized methodology proven to uncover the insights you're looking for.

No surprises. Know exactly what you'll get before you launch with modeled data outputs.

Consumers who care, ready to answer your questions

Consumers who care, ready to answer your questions

Responses you can trust. Our community is constantly monitored for quality responses only.

App-based community. A first party panel, grown from word of mouth.

Exceptional incentives. We pay our community 5X higher than any other research panel.

More recommendations, less charts

More recommendations, less charts

Get answers to your questions. No need to sift through thousands of data points, see your key takeaways that are ready to share with your stakeholders.

Proven statistical techniques. Leveraging our knowledge base trained by data scientists and experienced researchers, you gain access to the highest quality output.

Expert researchers on-demand

Expert researchers on-demand

Expert researchers on-demand

From crafting your research goals, picking the best methodology for your budget to getting to the insights that matter most for your brand, we want to help. Think of us as your collaborative partners.

Sophisticated research, now for everyone

Sophisticated research, now for everyone

Our platform is trained to select proven research methodologies that have typically been reserved for highly skilled research teams and big companies. With Cashew, you now get access to the best of the best, allowing you to speak to your stakeholders confidently.

Sophisticated research, now for everyone

“Cashew's easy to interpret research gave our team and stakeholders the confidence to stop asking if and start asking how.”

Adrian RH Savin (CTO and Co-founder, Syzl) and his team uses Cashew to maintain a constant pulse on his customers to ensure they are making the right decisions.

“They've identified issues that have plagued the survey industry for years and developed a solution that benefits all involved.”

Russ Rickey (VP of Strategy, McCann) trusts Cashew for its fresh approach to research and its ability to provide clear, actionable insights.

A note from our founders

A note from our founders

We’ve seen firsthand how companies struggle with uncertainty.

Not knowing whether to focus on this flavour or that flavour, whether to prioritize a specific feature or in-store experience, or if what is most unique about their business is what people actually care about. These uninformed “best guesses” can lead to significant expenses and wasted effort. We wanted marketers and business owners to feel confident about what to do next and why, because at the end of the day, building a successful business goes hand in hand with understanding what your customer needs.

However, gaining this understanding has typically been out of reach because it’s often too costly, time-consuming or superficial. We built Cashew for those who believe in creating something lasting and meaningful—a brand, a product, or a user experience that truly resonates. It's about connecting with your customers, and building something that stands the test of time.

Try Cashew, experience this value for yourself and forge ahead with confidence.

Cashew's Founders